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Polymer: Can't Get This.__data__ Passing In From Host

I have a very simple project: app/ parent.html child.html index.html I try to pass data from parent to child and then get them within Polymer(): index.html

Solution 1:

You can pass the data via javascript interface, just add the following to your parent (x-comphost) implementation:

  is: "x-comphost",
  ready: function(){
    this.policies = ['Hospital', 'Dental', 'Travel'];

    /* Query shadow DOM for the x-child element */var childEl = Polymer.dom(this.root).querySelector('x-child');

    childEl.accessiblePolicies = this.policies;

Solution 2:

Configure Policies in properties object instead of ready cycle in parent and as per Parent attribute name make properties in child , mentioned in below code


Polymer({ is: "x-comphost",

  properties :{

    policies : {
      type : Array,
      value : ['Hospital', 'Dental', 'Travel']
  ready: function(){
  //  this.policies = ['Hospital', 'Dental', 'Travel'];



Polymer({ is: "x-child",

properties: {
            accessiblePolicies : {
                type : Array,
                value : []                }

        ready: function () {
            console.log('thisData', this.accessiblePolicies);

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