Function Calls For Dynamically Loaded Content
I have a PHP file that serves up some HTML populated from a MySQL database and is loaded into the DOM. This data is loaded via jQuery load() method into the #navContent divide of t
Solution 1:
You need to initialize that click method AFTER the DOM has been appended with your custom markup. This is a perfect example of a case where OOP programming would do wonders.
You also didn't load the click method into the doc-ready...
<script type="text/javascript">
function MyConstructor()
this.ajaxLoader = '';
this.dns = 'http://www.someURL';
this.navContent = '/folder/my_list.php';
this.bodyContent = '/folder/index.php/somestuff #content';
this.loadPage = function( url, pageName )
$("#" + pageName).load(url, function(response){
this.toggles = function()
var t = this;
$("#navItem").click(function(e) {
var url = '';
var pageName = 'navContent';
t.loadPage(url, pageName);
*Init Doc-Ready/Doc-Load methods
**************************************/this.initialize = function()
this.loadPage( this.dns + this.navContent, "navContent");
this.loadPage( this.dns + this.bodyContent, "bodyContent");
$( document ).ready( function(){
var mc = new MyConstructor();
//now, you can go ahead and re-run any methods from the mc object :)//mc.loadPage( arg, 'ye matey' );
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