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Split Php Loop Into 2 Lists

I have built the following function, but is it possible to get it to split my lists from one into more so I can have a maximum of 8
  • 's per
      ? function buildProdu
  • Solution 1:

    You can add a counter, and when that counter reaches 8, you start a new ul.

    $counter = 1;
    while ($rowProd = dbFetchAssoc($resultProd)) {
        if($counter % 8 == 0) {
            $counter = 1;
        echo"<li><a href='".$base."products/".strtolower($row['cat_name'])."/".strtolower($pd_name)."'>".$pd_name."</a></li>";

    Solution 2:

    Okay, instead of echoing the LIs right from the function I suggest you add them all to an array, once things are in an array, its always easier to manage.

    Use array_chunk() on the final array of LIs and it will split it into groups of eight.

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