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How To Convert Input Name To Javascript Array

I have an issue related to converting html inputs names to a javascript object. For example I have an input: Copy

The square brackets have no meaning as they are inside a string, so you won't get any result.

There are ways around this. You could use eval: eval("data."" = "+(this.checked?"true":"false"));

However since eval is best avoided, try this:

var m =*)\[(\d+)\]/);
data[m[0]][m[1]] = this.checked;

Solution 2:

Yes in general it is possible. You can do the following:

var noregexp = $(this).attr('name').split("[");
if (noregexp.length==2) {
    //should bevar the_name = noregexp[0];
    var the_index = noregexp[1].substr(0,noregexp[1].length-1); //this will get the index with removed ]

I made this up from my mind. It's not a beautiful solution but one without regexp as you wished.

Solution 3:

You can get a data structure the way you need using:

var data = {product: []};
    data.product[$(this).attr('name').match(/product\[([\d]*)\]/)[1]] = $(this).prop('checked');

Check thid demo

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