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How To Fix Flickering In Iframes?

I am using Iframes in html. for loading multiple html files into single html file . The problem is when i navigate one page to another i am gettting flickering. how to fix the flic

Solution 1:

The web is, thankfully, not Powerpoint. You can pretend that it is though, but, happily, only for Internet Explorer users.

As some time has passed since I initially wrote this answer, the more disturbed recessed of my brain suggest that you could create a duplicate iframe, position it below (in z-space) the first, and (when the onload event of the frame fires) animate the opacity of the original iframe from 1 to 0 before removing the element entirely.

Solution 2:

$('#yourcontent').load(url, 'param=value' post || get {param: value}); jquery('#yourcontent').load(url, 'param=value' post || get {param: value});

With this method you don't need iframes, although javascript is required. I'm assuming you already don't mind required javascript.

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