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Create Scala.html Files In Play 2 Framework

hope to explain my problem better now , I am using play 2 framework with java to develop a sketching system with html5 canvas. the front end will be composed of 3 different views

Solution 1:

You don't need to use @helper or @tags they are for including templates in other templates, just use common rendering, first create the files:

  • app/views/canvas.scala.html
  • app/views/edit.scala.html
  • app/views/admin.scala.html

So then in your Appliaction controller create three actions representing each view

publicstatic Result canvas(){

publicstatic Result canvas(){

publicstatic Result canvas(){

For each action you also need to create a route in conf/routes to 'translate' given URL to proper action (first is default):

GET/             controllers.Application.canvas()
GET/edit         controllers.Application.edit()
GET/admin        controllers.Application.admin()

Finally in each view add that block, to get the 'main menu' displayed on every page. Note: use reverseRouting as a href of links to make sure they are always correct - even if you change something in routes (de facto, here you could use @tags for including this block from one file to many views, however place it manually now):

<divclass="main-nav"><ahref='@routes.Application.canvas()'>Canvas page</a><ahref='@routes.Application.edit()'>Edit form</a><ahref='@routes.Application.admin()'>Admin area</a></div>

You have now sample for basic application with 3 actions, with separate view for each.

At the end, don't be angry with me, but you need to spent more time studying official documentation and included Java samples. I showed you basic scenario, which allows you to navigate between three pages and nothing else. Most probably it's not enought to write working app, however describing it makes no sense - as it's described yet in the docs and demonstrated in samples.

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