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Javascript Confirm On Form Submit Not Canceling

I have a pretty simple Javascript function I want to include in a form (submit or cancel). The problem is it's supposed to cancel the form submit if I push cancel. Right now it jus

Solution 1:

Change it to

function confirmdelete()
    return confirm("Deleting this answer may cause dataloss, are you sure you want to continue?")

Solution 2:

Fixed the issue by putting

onsubmit="return confirmdelete()"

Instead of


That was the main issue, also used some of Rob's updates above for the final Javascript function... Thanks!

function confirmdelete() {
    var r=confirm("Deleting this answer may cause data loss, are you sure you want to continue?");
    if (r==true)

Solution 3:

You need to combine the confirm with an if statement:

function confirmdelete() {
    if(confirm("Deleting this answer may cause dataloss, are you sure you want to continue?")({
    } else {

You can also do the return that @mmillican recommended (much shorter, nice and simple), I just usually do the if statement in case you want to do some extra magic. Either one works. :)

Solution 4:

Need to assign the confirm and return it

var confirmed = confirm("Deleting ...
return confirmed;

return false; is what stops the form submit

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