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Html Form Post To Php Script Not Working

Ok, so I've been writing PHP code for a little while and understand it pretty well, but this has me stumped. // PHP file $country = $_POST['country']; $state_province = $_POST['sta

Solution 1:

Found it.

I had my post_max_filesize directive set so high (3000) that it was rolling the integer datatype over to a negative value. I corrected this by setting my php.ini's post_max_filesize to 128M.

Thanks to all that offered their help!

Solution 2:

Well the problem is not with the code you posted. I moved it to a testing server and what you posted worked just fine.

A couple of things to try:

  • Where are you printing the values? If you are doing this first thing on the page (and the values go before the <html> tag), then they may not get rendered. Do a view source to be sure that the values are not getting posted.
  • Inspect the Request using fiddler. This will tell you what is actually being sent down the wire to your PHP script.

Past that, there's not much I can say without seeing more code.

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