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How To Insert A Php Code Snippet In Mysql Database

I have a php code snippet like below : function is_ancestor_of( $page_name = null, $post ) { if(is_null($page_name)) return false; // does it have a parent? if (!isset( $post->

Solution 1:

Yeah, you can do this. Multiple ways:

  1. PDO - that's the best option actually. Study this topic in the PHP manual as this can be a lot more help than just protecting your MySQL queries in PHP from breaking.
  2. addslashes() - adds slashes to escape characters. This won't break your MySQL query for sure.
  3. mysql_real_escape_string()
  4. mysql_escape_string()

EDITED Emphasized PDO as compared to the previous version of this answer as PDO is far more safer than the other options and there is a lot more to it which can be used while working with PHP and MySQL.

Solution 2:

Escape special characters using mysql_real_escape_string(). You'd probaply be better off moving away from mysql_* functions though and start using PDO or mysqli_* for example.

Edit As mentioned in the comments, make sure you place the code as a string and that the DB field is the correct data type. Also, make sure you use mysql_real_escape_string() (if you insist on using mysql_*) on the whole string (or code).

Solution 3:

You will need to use mysql_real_escape_string() to escape the php code so it does not throw an error when inserting. Then you run an eval() on the statement, if you want it to execute. If you have a mixed html and php stored in the database you would call eval like so


Just make sure you stripslashes() on the database result

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