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Showing posts from December, 2023

How To Select A Radio Button By Default - Mvc Strongly Typed Html Helpers

I have a radio button list like this: <%=Html.RadioButtonFor(m => m.Gender,'Male')%&g… Read more How To Select A Radio Button By Default - Mvc Strongly Typed Html Helpers

Background Not Expanding To The Viewport Width

I want to extend the width of the background to that of the viewport and its height equal to the co… Read more Background Not Expanding To The Viewport Width

Fixed Position And Float Not Working Correctly

I am trying to create a section in my site where the is a scrolling section on my site and a sectio… Read more Fixed Position And Float Not Working Correctly

Ie 6 Local Html Link Broken .net Webbrowser

I have a WebBrowser embedded in my application. I am loading an html document that has links to ot… Read more Ie 6 Local Html Link Broken .net Webbrowser

Caret In Textarea Doesn't Automatically Pass New Line (only In Chrome)

Keep pushing space key after the end of this sentence, you will notice that caret wouldn't pas… Read more Caret In Textarea Doesn't Automatically Pass New Line (only In Chrome)

I'm Unable To Create This Design Using Css?

I want to create something like this as shown in the picture down below. I want to write some conte… Read more I'm Unable To Create This Design Using Css?

Why Is My Css Media Query Being Ignored?

Im trying to get this piece of CSS working on my ipad but it seems to be ignoring the media query a… Read more Why Is My Css Media Query Being Ignored?

Tinymce Scrubbing Html In Umbraco

I'm trying to use Bootstrap's collapse functionality in Umbraco, but when I edit the HTML o… Read more Tinymce Scrubbing Html In Umbraco

Changing Font Color Of Link Text

I have the following bit of HTML: {% if stuff %} {% for eachthing in stuff %} Solution … Read more Changing Font Color Of Link Text

Different Color Links On The Same Html Page

Hi I am trying to have different color links on the same page. I want some links to be blue and som… Read more Different Color Links On The Same Html Page

100% Height Div With Bootstrap 3

I want to make a full height website but it seem twitter make issue with body min-height 100% here … Read more 100% Height Div With Bootstrap 3

Does A Have To Be Inside A

Does a table row ( ) have to be in a table body ( ), if the table has a table body, or can it exist… Read more Does A Have To Be Inside A

Dynamically Create A Html Form With Javascript

how can I go about creating a form with javascript? I have NO idea on how to proceed, I have been g… Read more Dynamically Create A Html Form With Javascript

Highchart Activity Gauge Always Display Text In The Center

I want to use Highchart's activity gauge as some kind of circle animation surrounding a number/… Read more Highchart Activity Gauge Always Display Text In The Center

Four Divs Of Equal Height And Width

The question seems to be simple but I am not getting it done. I have a web project I am working on … Read more Four Divs Of Equal Height And Width

Using Css, Is There Any Way To Display Different Characters Using Different Font?

My HTML text is just like this: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz What I want is to display a-n using &#… Read more Using Css, Is There Any Way To Display Different Characters Using Different Font?

Wraparound For Html5 Canvas: How To Get (static) Shapes To Continue Around Edges Of Canvas

I'm trying to draw a tiled background using Javascript on an HTML5 canvas, but it's not wor… Read more Wraparound For Html5 Canvas: How To Get (static) Shapes To Continue Around Edges Of Canvas

Reference An Image Imbedded In A Wpf Application From Within An Html File Used As Help Content

I have a WPF desktop application. In it I have a menu option that shows a help window. The help w… Read more Reference An Image Imbedded In A Wpf Application From Within An Html File Used As Help Content

Draw Image On Canvas

I am trying to put an image on a canvas. I read the following tutorial https://developer.mozilla.o… Read more Draw Image On Canvas

Sending Html Table Data Into Mysql Table

I have a dynamic (via jquery) html table like this: , 'Selection1' , 'Selection2' ,… Read more Sending Html Table Data Into Mysql Table

Pug (jade) Extra Space Added Between Formatted Tags On Gulp Build

I use Gulp, webpack and pug(jade). The issue is with the dist-code that has an extra space because … Read more Pug (jade) Extra Space Added Between Formatted Tags On Gulp Build

Why Doesn't Browser Parse The Js Code In The File Loaded By Ajax?

I have 2 files, the first file has some HTML and a portion of JS. The second file is the main file,… Read more Why Doesn't Browser Parse The Js Code In The File Loaded By Ajax?

Load A Json File In Local System Using Jquery/javascript

I am new to scripting languages. I have a new.json file and I want to load in gary.html HTML file. … Read more Load A Json File In Local System Using Jquery/javascript

Change Android Webview Content (hash) Without Reloading The Url

I have 2 webviews : Webview1 and Webview2 (say). The user arrives at Webview1 (an url loads). Now w… Read more Change Android Webview Content (hash) Without Reloading The Url

How To Change Color Of My Div If Check-box Is Checked?

I have table that is created based on records from data base. Inside of tbody I have tr that create… Read more How To Change Color Of My Div If Check-box Is Checked?

Convert A Selected Html Table To Json

Is it possible to convert just a selection of a HTML with multiple tables to JSON ? I have this Tab… Read more Convert A Selected Html Table To Json

Oracle Apex 5 - Footer Bar Like The One In App Builder

How can I create a footer bar/region in a Oracle Apex Universal Theme Application just like the one… Read more Oracle Apex 5 - Footer Bar Like The One In App Builder

Updating Visited Status Of A Link When Changing Its Href Attribute, Under Chrome

When I am updating links with JavaScript $('#link_id').attr('href', some_new_url) … Read more Updating Visited Status Of A Link When Changing Its Href Attribute, Under Chrome

Python Django Only The First Statement Statement Can Be Accessed

i can acccess only the first statement in my name app javascript: Read more Python Django Only The First Statement Statement Can Be Accessed

Creating A Marquee Using Anything? Javascript, Jquery, Css

I'm trying to build a blog using HTML and CSS. Now I've integrated API's for certain st… Read more Creating A Marquee Using Anything? Javascript, Jquery, Css

Controlling Playback Of Multiple Youtube Videos With The Youtube Js Api (playing At The Same Time)

I know that there's a very similar topic for this question, however I'm trying to do someth… Read more Controlling Playback Of Multiple Youtube Videos With The Youtube Js Api (playing At The Same Time)

How To Send An Html Email With An Inline Attached Image With Php

I have a PHP script which sends an HTML email with an attached image. It works beauifully, however,… Read more How To Send An Html Email With An Inline Attached Image With Php

Why Are The Four Buttons Not Lining Up In Ie?

So I have this page and if you look at the 4 buttons 'Take a Test Drive' 'Lease To Own … Read more Why Are The Four Buttons Not Lining Up In Ie?

Parsing Webpages To Extract Contents

I want to design a crawler, using java, that crawls a webpage and extract certain contents of the p… Read more Parsing Webpages To Extract Contents

My Get Recipe Buttons Aren't Bringing Me To The External Page Where The Recipes Are

I'm building a meal generator and when the meals are pulled down from the API I get a recipe bu… Read more My Get Recipe Buttons Aren't Bringing Me To The External Page Where The Recipes Are

How To Add Image-border Around An Image?

Is there any simple way to add a image border around an image? Reason is I want to create a drop-sh… Read more How To Add Image-border Around An Image?

Python Flask App With Interactive Bokeh Plots

I have a Flask App in which my plots are created using Bokeh in the controller python code with bel… Read more Python Flask App With Interactive Bokeh Plots

Make Heading Center Align

How to center in the following code? FIDDLE Solution 1: Just apply this css property to the div … Read more Make Heading Center Align

Failed To Execute 'postmessage' On 'domwindow' Using Google Code

I would like to add a Google+ badge on my site. When I copy/paste code from Google configuration to… Read more Failed To Execute 'postmessage' On 'domwindow' Using Google Code

Why Are There Gaps Between The Box-shadow And The Element?

When hovering over the button in Chrome (76.0.3809.100, 64-bit) faint gaps between the box-shadow a… Read more Why Are There Gaps Between The Box-shadow And The Element?

Why Isn't This Javascript Executed?

I was actually not going to, and am afraid of asking such a silly question, but i have completely … Read more Why Isn't This Javascript Executed?

Not Able To Post More Than 4mb Files To Web Api

While am posting more than 4MB to my Web API it is throwing error as 404(Not Found) or else if am u… Read more Not Able To Post More Than 4mb Files To Web Api

How To Implement Lit-element-bootstrap Package In Lit-lement

I would like to implement lit-element-bootstrap package in lit-element. I am getting following erro… Read more How To Implement Lit-element-bootstrap Package In Lit-lement

Pure Html/css To Create Triangle Pointer Under Button

Currently I have a div that looks like this: I need to edit the HTML/CSS so that it displays like … Read more Pure Html/css To Create Triangle Pointer Under Button

How To Keep

With Xpath?

I use XPATH to remove untidy HTML tags, $nodeList = $xpath->query('//*[normalize-space(.)=&#… Read more How To Keep

With Xpath?

How To Get Pixel Coordinates From Canvas Polygon (filled Area)

I am creating an interface that enables user to hightlight custom area in map with overlay canvas p… Read more How To Get Pixel Coordinates From Canvas Polygon (filled Area)

Trigger Event Based On Specific Inputs Into A Textarea

I'm trying to trigger a JS event when there are four consecutive linebreaks inside of a textare… Read more Trigger Event Based On Specific Inputs Into A Textarea

How To Get The Meta Name Keywords -vba

I am trying to get the meta name keywords from a webpage meta name='keywords' content=… Read more How To Get The Meta Name Keywords -vba

How Can I Make A Div Height Automatically Fit Screen And Expands If The Content Exceeds Height

On my web page I have a div that expands(height) to fit the size of the screen. Here is my CSS: .ro… Read more How Can I Make A Div Height Automatically Fit Screen And Expands If The Content Exceeds Height

Crop A Triangle From Image And Place It Below The Original Image Css

I am trying to achieve this effect using HTML/CSS: What I have until now is this http://jsfidd… Read more Crop A Triangle From Image And Place It Below The Original Image Css

What's Wrong With My Css , Elements Move And Overlap When Resizing Window To Smaller Size?

Ok , so below is my CSS AND HTML code. I have been using percentage for the divs so that those divs… Read more What's Wrong With My Css , Elements Move And Overlap When Resizing Window To Smaller Size?

Call Javascript Code After Press Button And Then Refresh The Page

i'm trying to start a php script after i press a button, and then reload the page, but i have a… Read more Call Javascript Code After Press Button And Then Refresh The Page

I Have To Click Twice To Get Jquery Click Function To Fire

Here is the Fiddle. I have a problem; it seems almost random. Whenever I click a div to trigger an … Read more I Have To Click Twice To Get Jquery Click Function To Fire

Unterminated String Literal Error

I have placed the below code inside of the tag. Read more Unterminated String Literal Error

Jquery Tooltip Position

I have been working on a simple tool tip (see fiddle below), but am having some positioning problem… Read more Jquery Tooltip Position

How Can I Set A Css ":hover" On A Dom Created Element In Javascript?

I'm using the DOM to manage a JSON response from an AJAX function I'm running. The script I… Read more How Can I Set A Css ":hover" On A Dom Created Element In Javascript?

Convert String To Html Code In Django Template

Possible Duplicate: django: rendering a template variable as html I am developing a django site a… Read more Convert String To Html Code In Django Template