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How To Pass The Value Of A Form To Another Form?

I have a task in which I need to pass the value of a form in a page to another one. I am using POST method to do this, but it is not working. I would really appreciate some help.

Solution 1:

At first glance, your code seems just fine. There are a few minor things you have missed, though none of them should normally prevent you from getting the output. But just to be sure, I have tidied up the code and added a test for each POST variable.

Try the following and see if it works.

First Form (form2.php)

            Name:<inputtype="text"name="name" />
            Address:<inputtype="text"name="address" /><inputtype="submit"name="submit"value="submit" /></form></body></html>

Second Form (form3.php)

<html><head><title>MY HOMEPAGE</title></head><body><?phpif(isset($_POST['submit']))

This is what I added to your code:

  1. Closed the open input tags in form2.php.
  2. Added isset to check if the POST data is being received in the form3.php file.
  3. Added isset to all the variables (name and address in this case) to check if they are being received.

Solution 2:

It seems you are using linux environment, the form action (form3.php) and file name (Form3.php) are not same. In linux environment these are case sensitive. Please make action uri & file name in same case.

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