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Change Css Dropdown Menu Color When Any Child Is Hovered

I have a basic CSS dropdown menu that looks like this: (same code below) HTML

Solution 1:

You want to change:

#main-navigationlia:hover {
    color: #FFF;

to be:

#main-navigationli:hover > a {
    color: #FFF;

JSFiddle here.

Basically, you want the a element's color to change when you are hovered over the list item. That way, when you hover over other submenu items, you're still hovering over the li containing the submenu.

I use the child selector > so that the submenu item links are not affected when you're hovering over the main menu item link.

To target the Plans submenu link colors, you should apply the styling to a class to specifically target them. Since you already have a class specifically on Plans (.active), I'll just use that for demonstration purposes.


#main-navigationli:hover > a, {
    color: #FFF;

JSFiddle here.

I get rid of the child selector when targeting .active so that it makes all child a elements white when hovering over the main link.

Solution 2:

You must add this to your css

#main-navigation > li:hover > ul > li > a {
    color: #FFF;

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