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New Bfc "clearing" Floating Boxes

As the example shows, applying display: inline-block; to the containing block seems to 'clear' the floating box within. I have no idea how this happens. All what I know is that di

Solution 1:

That's because inline-blocks with the default width: auto are sized according to the shrink-to-fit algorithm. CSS2.1 does not fully define how that algorithm should handle floating contents, but it seems browsers do this:

  1. The inline-block is sized ignoring floats
  2. The line boxes inside the inline-block are as wide as the inline-block
  3. The float shrinks the line boxes
  4. Therefore, the non-floating contents no longer fit in the shrunk space, so the wrap to the next line.

Note there is no clearing, if you make the inline-block wide enough, the text will appear next to the float.

.wrapper.inline-block {
  display: inline-block;
.w400 {
  width: 400px;
.wrapper {
  border: 1px solid;
.left-column {
  background-color: teal;
  float: left;
<p>Shrink-to-fit inline-block:</p><divclass="wrapper inline-block"><divclass="left-column"><p>Float</p></div><p>Non-float</p></div><p>Explicit width inline-block:</p><divclass="wrapper inline-blockw w400"><divclass="left-column"><p>Float</p></div><p>Non-float</p></div><p>Fill-available block:</p><divclass="wrapper"><divclass="left-column"><p>Float</p></div><p>Non-float</p></div>

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