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Error: "typeerror: Hidden_tag() Missing 1 Required Positional Argument: 'self' " In Flask, Python

I've been creating a forum based learning system, similar to stack overflow for an assessed project. I'm fairly new to flask, however I believe i have a decent understanding of py

Solution 1:

The TypeError is saying that self was not passed to the hidden_tag method. You can have this error if you do the following by accident:


A.test() # TypeError: test() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self'
A().test() # prints test

So this means that you are calling the method with a class object.

In your routes, you have the following rule where you pass a class to your page, but you likely wanted to return your actual form object. So you have to change

return render_template('addUser.html', title='Admin', form=AddUserForm)


form = AddUserForm('/login')
return render_template('addUser.html', title='Admin', form=form)

Solution 2:

You forgot to call the form at the end of your last return statement.

current code

    flash('Account not created')
return render_template('addUser.html', title='Admin', form=AddUserForm)

fixed code

    flash('Account not created')
return render_template('addUser.html', title='Admin', form=AddUserForm()) 

or since you already specified that

form = AddUserForm('/login')

just specify it at the end like you did in other routes

return render_template('addUser.html', title='Admin', form=form) 

Solution 3:

Well, me following the same tutorial from Corey Schafer's flask. The main reason why you are getting TypeError: hidden_tag() missing 1 required positional argument: 'self is because of the route page form the bracket needs to prevent the error and to signify the tag function()

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