What Is The Difference Between Double And Single Quotes In Php?
Solution 1:
You want to keep the text inside of your string:
$abc_output .='<ahref="abc.com">Back to Main Menu</a>';
The difference between '
and "
is that you can embed variables inside of a double quoted string.
For example:
$name = 'John';
$sentence = "$name just left"; // John just left
If you were to use single quotes, then you'd have to concatenate:
$name = 'John';
$sentence = $name.' just left'; // John just left
PS: Don't forget that you always have to escape your quotes. The following 2 are the same:
$double = "I'm going out"; // I'm going out
$single = 'I\'m going out'; // I'm going out
Same applies the other way around:
$single = 'I said "Get out!!"'; // I said "Get out!!"
$double = "I said \"Get out!!\""; // I said "Get out!!"
Solution 2:
Double quotes allow additional expressions, such as "$variable \n"
, which single quotes don't. Compare:
$variable = 42;
echo"double: $variable,\n 43\n";
echo'single: $variable,\n 43';
This outputs:
double: 42,
single: $variable,\n 43
For more information, refer to the official documentation.
Solution 3:
Text in double quotes are parsed.
For example:
$test = 'something';
print('This is $test');
print("This is $something");
would result in:
Thisis$testThisis something
If you don't need the string to be parsed you should use single quotes since it's better performance wise.
In your case you need to do:
$abc_output .='<a href="abc.com">Back to Main Menu</a>';
Or you will get an error.
The Back to Main Menu wasn't in the string.
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