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Highlight Textbox On Edit

In continuation to Question , if I have a row that is currently being edited (via state), how do I keep the input textbox highlighted only if edited and stays highlighted even afte

Solution 1:

There are a few ways you could achieve this - one way is to track additional state per student field to show highlighting in this way. One possiblitiy is to use a similar pattern to your current solution by means of the following:

render() {
    return (<table className="table-data">

 {,key) => {

    const editField = (value, index) => {

      // Clone students data before mutationconst students = => ({ ...item }))

      // Update field by index of current student
      students[key][index] = value

      // Extend state for student to tract editing history per field
      students[key].edited = students[key].edited || []
      students[key].edited[index] = true// Trigger re-renderthis.setState({ students })

    // Returns true if the field by index has been edited. This is used for styling the tdconst isEdited = (index) => {
        const students = => ({ ...item }))
        return (students[key].edited && students[key].edited[index] === true)

   // Apply 'editing' class to the cell if it has been previously editedreturn (
    <tr key={key} className={ item.editing ? 'editing' : '' } onClick={()=> {

      // Clone students data before mutationconst students = => ({ ...i, editing : item.editing && i===item }))

      // Toggle editing flag of this current student (ie table row)
      students[key].editing = true; 

      // Trigger re-renderthis.setState({
        clientIsEditing:true, // This might not be needed ?
    <td className={ isEdited(1) ? 'edited' : '' } >{ item.editing ? <input value={item[1]} onChange={ e => editField(, 1) } /> : <span>{item[1]}</span> }</td>    
    <td className={ isEdited(2) ? 'edited' : '' } >{ item.editing ? <input value={item[2]} onChange={ e => editField(, 2) } /> : <span>{item[2]}</span> }</td>    
    <td className={ isEdited(3) ? 'edited' : '' } >{ item.editing ? <input value={item[3]} onChange={ e => editField(, 3) } /> : <span>{item[3]}</span> }</td>  
    <td className={ isEdited(4) ? 'edited' : '' } >{ item.editing ? <input value={item[4]} onChange={ e => editField(, 4) } /> : <span>{item[4]}</span> }</td> 
    </tr>  )


To complete this, you would just need to add a CSS selector like this:

For a working demo, please see this jsFiddle - hope this helps!

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