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Why Does Superdevmode Only Provides Loglevel Severe?

I use GWT 2.7 and want to provide logging with Level INFO and WARNUNG in my app. In my gwt.xml file I have:

Solution 1:

I just checked one of my applications (which uses GXT) and there I see the log message:

enter image description here

I use this lines inside my module descriptor:

<!-- values are:  severe, warning, info, config, fine, finer, finest --><set-propertyname="gwt.logging.logLevel"value="INFO"/><set-propertyname="gwt.logging.enabled"value="TRUE" /><!-- Write messages to browser consoles and to the jvm and dev mode --><!-- Note that these are the defaults, so we don’t actually need to list them --><set-propertyname="gwt.logging.consoleHandler"value="ENABLED"/><set-propertyname="gwt.logging.developmentModeHandler"value="ENABLED"/><set-propertyname="gwt.logging.systemHandler"value="ENABLED"/><!-- Leave RPC logging disabled, as we aren’t setting that up in this example --><set-propertyname="gwt.logging.simpleRemoteHandler"value="DISABLED"/><!-- Ask GXT to log all internal details --><set-propertyname="gxt.logging.enabled"value="true"/>

and add this code to my presenter:

privatestaticfinal Logger logger = logger.getLogger(ShellPresenter.class.getName());

logger.log(Level.INFO, "Starting module Hermes");

I don't spent time to find out which one of the configurations enables logging nor if it is related to GXT.

And some more informations:!topic/google-web-toolkit/BRZNt1_qEjg

Solution 2:

To change log level in SDM, add this option to command line when running it:


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