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How To Copy To And Run An Html5 File Present In An Android Phone's Memory?

I am developing an android application, that should open html 5 file when it launches. What I did was I saved the complete html application under android Assets folder. I am not

Solution 1:

First, use file:///android_asset/mobile/index.html instead. While the directory on the filesystem is assets/ (plural), the URL format uses asset (singular).

Second, you cannot open a Web browser on one of your assets. You will need to either:

  1. Copy the files to external storage and launch the default browser on them

  2. Copy the files to internal storage, create a ContentProvider to serve them, and launch the default browser on the resulting content:// path

This sample project demonstrates the second approach, albeit using a single PDF file than a directory of assets.

A third possibility is for you to display the contents yourself using a WebView widget.

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