Getting The Value Of A Div Tag's Special Attribute
Solution 1:
is an attribute. You should use the function getAttribute
to get any attributes value.
getAttribute() returns the value of a specified attribute on the element. If the given attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be null or "" (the empty string);
<div id="container" prjid="ABCDE">...</div>
Solution 2:
In order to get prjid
which isn't a defined attribute on div rather a custom one, you would use getAttribute
<div id="container" prjid="abd"/>
According the MDN docs:
getAttribute() returns the value of a specified attribute on the element. If the given attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be null or "" (the empty string);
Note: In React you shouldn't use document.getElementById and rather use refs. Check this answer
Solution 3:
In order to get prjid use getAttribute
returns the value of a specified attribute on the element. If the given attribute does not exist, the value returned will either be null or "" (the empty string);
Solution 4:
Instead of doing this you can get data attribute to that like below
Solution 5:
You can get it by getAttribute
function like
You can read about this here
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