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Showing posts from April, 2023

How To Remove Entire Div With Preg_replace

Ok, as it is WordPress problem and it sadly goes a little deeper, I need to remove each representat… Read more How To Remove Entire Div With Preg_replace

Background Color On A Specific Area Of An Element

what I want to achieve is to put a hover effect on a position of a cursor.. something like this: ht… Read more Background Color On A Specific Area Of An Element

HTML Form - Fill Input With Value If Nothing Is Entered

I'm creating a basic subscribe form for a system that requires both email address and last name… Read more HTML Form - Fill Input With Value If Nothing Is Entered

Disable Entire Form Elements With Respect To A State. React

I am disabling the inputs using the isFetching prop, but this is getting reduntant as I have to ke… Read more Disable Entire Form Elements With Respect To A State. React

Javascript Dynamically Adding And Removing Classes

I am working on a simple example, if a user clicks on element then all the elements above it should… Read more Javascript Dynamically Adding And Removing Classes

Javascript Confirm On Form Submit Not Canceling

I have a pretty simple Javascript function I want to include in a form (submit or cancel). The prob… Read more Javascript Confirm On Form Submit Not Canceling

Duplicate Image In Gallery

I have an image gallery that displays all the images inline, and the targeted image displayed bigge… Read more Duplicate Image In Gallery

Is There A Way To Send An Email With Data From Input Without Php Or Javascript Just Pure Simple Html?

I have HTML form with a textbox where user enter his email - let say to register for a newsletter a… Read more Is There A Way To Send An Email With Data From Input Without Php Or Javascript Just Pure Simple Html?

Displaying An Image Using A Php Variable

I'm trying to display images by taking their file path from an sql table, but i'm having a … Read more Displaying An Image Using A Php Variable

Set Background Image With Ejs Template

Working on a blog site, Here's the effect I want : I use a forEach to loop through every post… Read more Set Background Image With Ejs Template

Trouble Using Floats To Mimic A Table Layout With Different-sized Objects

I'm trying to create a table-less layout using floats, but I'm having trouble getting small… Read more Trouble Using Floats To Mimic A Table Layout With Different-sized Objects

CSS Background-image : Url("...") Properties Have Also ALT?

I am inserting images in TD's in a table with style='background-image: url('my_url_goes… Read more CSS Background-image : Url("...") Properties Have Also ALT?

Creating A
With Javascript CreateElement?

I need to create a tag dynamically with javascript. var br = document.createElement('br');… Read more Creating A
With Javascript CreateElement?

Accessing Static In Django

I'm having trouble sorting my static directory and linking css files through templates in html … Read more Accessing Static In Django

How I Can Get The Result On A Display

i tried to make form, and i had a problem when i can't get the input from user to display in my… Read more How I Can Get The Result On A Display

React Hooks Scroll To Element

I am looking to write a React hook with React 16.8.6 that will let me scroll to a particular HTML e… Read more React Hooks Scroll To Element

HTML Position Image On Top Of Another

I'm looking to position an image on top of another image about 10 pixels from the bottom of the… Read more HTML Position Image On Top Of Another