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XPath: "Exclude" Tag In "InnerHtml" (InnerHtmlexcludeme

I am using XPath to query HTML sites, which works pretty good so far, but now I hit a (brick)wall and can't find a solution :-) The html looks like this:
  • Solution 1:

    This gets you the first direct text node child of <a>:


    and this would get you any direct text node child (separately):


    Both of the above return "TextX", but if you had:

    <li><a href="">Text4<span>AnotherText3</span>TrailingText</a></li>

    then the latter would return: ["Text4", "TrailingText"], while the former would return "Text4" only.

    Your expression /ul/li/a gets the string value of <a>, which is defined as the concatenation of the string value of all the children of <a>, so you get "TextXAnotherTextX".

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