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Change / Hack Style Of Facebook 'Like It' Button

I want create own 'Like it' Facebook button - similar with my website design. I know that Facebook use special 'secure' method to authorize 'Like it' clicks. But I think I know how

Solution 1:

Yes, they can do whatever they want if you violate their ToS. Facebook is a stickler for maintaining its brand, and modifying the Like button would definitely not make them happy. Save yourself the trouble and just use what they give you.

Solution 2:

Hacking the like function? Assuming there was some way to "hack" this it would definitely be a TOS violation.

If you mean, however, creating custom actions for posts generated by apps, that is within the Graph API. Start out by learning to use the Facebook API by looking at its documentation. Create an app in the Facebook system first.

After you've learned all about requesting permissions and proper usage of the FB dialogs and user content-control system (this includes best practices and rules), you'll find a special parameter submitted with the set for "posts" in the api called "actions." This property accepts a JSON object of the link text and link to forward to. Please note they do not allow your action names to collide with any of the Facebook core actions. Naming your custom action "like" and having it lead elsewhere is DEFINITELY a bad idea and will probably get your appID deleted.

Solution 3:

You can use Facebook's share url to make your own buttons, and connect them to services like api (or build your own request to the Facebook api) to have the total "like" count. Example (hover on the heart sign on the left)

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