Regex Php - Find Things In Div With Specific ID
Solution 1:
Your code works for me if you change the enclosing doublequotes around $intro
to single quotes:
$intro = '<div id="user-sub-summary">Summary</div>
<div id="user-sub-commhome"><em>Commercial</em></div>
<div id="whatever">whatever</div>';
$regex = '#\<div id="user-sub-commhome"\>(.+?)\<\/div\>#s';
preg_match($regex, $intro, $matches);
$match = $matches[0];
echo $match;
You might want to read some famous advice on regular expressions and HTML.
Solution 2:
i won't explain why using regular expressions to parse php is a bad idea. i think the problem here is you don't have error_reporting activated or you're simply not looking into your error-log. defining the $intro
-string the way you do should cause a lot of problems (unexpectet whatever / unterminatet string). it should look like this:
$intro = "<div id=\"user-sub-summary\">Summary</div>
<div id=\"user-sub-commhome\"><em>Commercial</em></div>
<div id=\"whatever\">whatever</div>";
or this:
$intro = '<div id="user-sub-summary">Summary</div>
<div id="user-sub-commhome"><em>Commercial</em></div>
<div id="whatever">whatever</div>';
if you're using double quotes inside a double-quotet string, you have to mask them using a backslash (\
). anoter way would be to use single-quotes for the string (like in my second example).
Solution 3:
In your sample code $matches[0]
contains all matched part, not the capturing group. The capturing group is in $matches[1]
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